Cleanroom panel systems
If you’re working on a technical specification for a new cleanroom design and build project, you will have noticed there are different types of cleanroom wall materials available in the market. The most popular types are softwall, hardwall, and monobloc. The first consideration when choosing your cleanroom wall system is the cleanroom classification you need to achieve, along with other variables such as flexibility, cleaning resistance and cost.

Cleanroom flooring
There are two main types of flooring offered for projects built by Angstrom Technology – jigsaw flooring and vinyl flooring. Vinyl flooring provides a smooth, flush finish to the cleanroom environment and, when coved, creates a seamless joint with the wall construction which is ideal for cleanrooms regulated under GMP. Jigsaw flooring provides an ideal upgrade to a cleanroom floor which is easy to clean and none shedding. There is minimum prep work required, as it can be installed directly onto most floors. For this reason, it can be installed into new cleanroom facilities or as a fast renovation solution.

Air filtration systems
If you’re looking at options for filtering and treating the air in a cleanroom, you may well have come across fan filter units (FFUs) and air handling units (AHUs). Both FFUs and AHUs filter the air introduced into a controlled environment, but they work in different ways. An air handling unit acts as a centralised unit for air processing and filtration, regulating air within an HVAC system. A decentralised air handling system requires no central air handling unit (AHU). Instead, it features the constituent parts of an AHU, broken down into separate pieces of plant such as FFU’s, temperature control and dehumidification modules.

Offsite construction
Angstrom Technology can create various cleanroom designs using off-site construction methods, including large open spaces with no internal supports. Using prefabricated panels will reduce safety risks and save time. Apertures, services, and fixtures can be prepared off-site, so specialist trades aren’t required on-site. Doors can also be pre-engineered, with frame handles, glazing, and interlocking systems. This minimises business disruption and offers a cleaner, safer, and less congested site.

The right laboratory and cleanroom furniture can optimise your process flow, and create a well-organised, efficient environment to work in. Product selection and layout plans can often be challenging, with so many options to choose from. At Angstrom Technology we have a dedicated cleanroom furniture specialist on hand to advise and assist you throughout your cleanroom consumables journey.

Our design and build specialists have experience working with customers in all kinds of industries on a global scale, achieving great results time and time again. We’d love to work with you as well!